If you are to planning relocate, it is hard enough figuring out where you are going to live in your new town, and how to budget the entire move. When you add in shipping multiple cars or vehicles to your list of to do’s, your moving checklist will seem a bit more gargantuan. This is especially true if you own a boat, because boat moving can be more tricky than simply driving a car across the country.
For this reason, any people contact boat shipping companies to help them with boat transport. Many vehicle transport companies that handle car transport, and RV transport also offer specialized transportation services for other vehicles, such as boats. Whether you are moving to the next town or to the other side of the country, these boat moving experts will be able to deliver your boat to you undamaged and intact.
But before you jump into contacting just any boat moving company, you will want to do your research, and make sure you are using the best quality shipper available. In order to do this, there are a few things you will need to consider.
- The Department of Transportation issues these companies a DOT number. By asking for this number and also for their safety rating, you will know how they rank against other shipping companies. Also make sure that the carrier is adequately insured. Even if the truck or shipping vessel that will be used to transport your boat is safe and reliable, you will want to check to see that the carrier has enough insurance to cover any damages to their own transport vehicle, and also yours. With freight shipments up more than 14 percent in the last five years, and accident tolls on the rise, insurance will be critical.
- You will also want to talk to the carrier about their securing techniques. Depending on the size of your boat, you may need to have it lifted and placed on a flatbed, or rolled on using an inclined surface. In addition, the size of your boat will play a role in determining the best way to secure it to the transport vehicle. If the belly of your boat is large, it may need to be slightly suspended to avoid damage to its underside, or require a special trailer to accommodate its size. Look for a company that has the right equipment to transport your particular boat.
- Even if finding the right shipping company means you have to spend a little extra cash, it could be worth it. Most boat hauling prices depend on the height and width of your boat, and how far you need it to be shipped from your home. For example, to ship a boat whose dimensions do not exceed 12′ x 13′, the average price for shipping it from the northern part of the U.S to the southern tip is about $7,000. The same trip may cost more than $10,000 heading from the east to the west coast. A company that quotes you a significantly reduced price will need extra research, because with the current diesel prices at about $3.60 per gallon, a cross country trip should add up to more than just a few thousands dollars.
By being diligent and finding a qualified boat shipping company, your boat will be the least of your worries. With all the other relocation to do’s piling up on you plate, it will be nice to confidently cross boat transfer off your list.