Leigh just landed the job of his dreams! After four long years in data processing (after his grad program didn’t land him much of an opportunity), he’s finally been called up to the pros with a real adult job in the marketing realm. Starting pay is $45,000 with 401(k) options as well as plenty of paid vacation time to boot. Needless to say, he’s ecstatic to begin a new career in the field of his dreams.
There’s only one problem: The job is in El Segundo, California, and he currently lives just outside of Boston.
Depending on the type of person you are, you might not see this at a problem at all, but an adventure. And that’s definitely how Leigh views it, but only to a certain extent. Moving across the country demands hours and hours of planning. And as easy as it is to pack up a large U-Haul van or a mini trailer with all of your furniture, clothing and kitchenware, it’s quite a bit harder to transport a car. Luckily, Leigh’s new company has offered to foot the bill for the moving expenses up to a certain amount, so it’s in his best interest to find an economical and practical solution to get his stuff — especially his car — from Point A to Point B.
Of course, there are a lot of myths out there about the process of vehicle shipping. It’ll help to understand just what’s fact and what’s fiction when it comes to investing in the right auto transport companies. For example…
Myth #1: The only cost to consider is the total distance.
Understand that whenever you’ll likely never heard the words “the only cost” when it comes to large financial decisions. The total number of miles (in this case, just over 3,000) is only one factor that plays into the total cost. The make, model and year of the car is considered, as is the type of carrier you use and the season when you’re doing the shipping all combine to form the end price of the service.
Myth #2: All vehicle carriers are the same in the end.
As important as cheap car shipping is, nothing is more important than safety. With an enclosed carrier, your car sits literally enclosed in a large shipping trailer secured in place. Open-air carriers are the types you often see out on the highways with their cars seemingly piled on top of each other. Both are valid options (and safe) but depending on your specific vehicle shipping concerns, you’ll want to pick the one you’re most comfortable with.
Myth #3: Door-to-door transport is always the most expensive.
This is one of the most pervasive myths about vehicle shipping and it always seems to pop up on lists full of money-saving tips. In truth, it’s likely only the carrier who’s saving money on delivering the vehicle to a terminal instead of your new driveway. Watch out for the hidden storage fees some terminals may place on your vehicles and opt for door-to-door delivery when you can, if the price is right, of course.
For more information, always get in contact with a shipping agent to get the full story on vehicle transport. See this reference for more: www.dasautoshippers.com