Spring, summer, and autumn bring beautiful outdoor weather with them, making these seasons perfect for outdoor recreational activities like camping, boating, or RVing. When the nice weather leaves however, its nice to have some options to prevent damage to your outdoor gear. The storage unity industry generates an estimated $22 billion in revenues in the United States with an estimated 52,500 storage facilities that employ an estimated 172 thousand people, making it one of the largest industries in America. Surveys from 2012 have shown that 10% of adults rent a storage unit; here are a few examples to help you decide if you ought to join that number.
Peace of Mind
These days peace of mind is priceless. Lets face it, an RV can be expensive; especially if someone were to damage it. There are plenty of RV storage facilities that have electronic gates for added security. Classic vehicle fans may consider collector car storage to protect their investments from rusting and water damage. By using a car storage or RV storage unit, the recreational vehicles you love no longer have to take up space on your lawn or driveway when you are not using them.
Picking a Unit
By following these simple storage unit tips you should be able to settle on a storage option that fits your budget and needs. Generally, a storage unit ought to be clean, secure, and allow you access as an owner every day of the week; their business revolves around you . Always make sure to inspect the inside of any unit to assess the humidity and cleanliness of the area for your belongings. For RV storage, some units have drive-up access to ease your loading and unloading of belongings.
If you’re looking for a personal, private space to confidently store your valuables and vehicles, then self storage units may be a perfect addition to your outdoor life.