Vehicles can be an expensive form of transportation. Yet, they are required in many situations. A lot of people rely on them to get to work, run errands, and get from point A to point B. How can you guarantee that your vehicle is running properly and is in the best shape possible? How can you reduce the chances that you will incur costly repairs? Unfortunately, you cannot entirely prevent vehicle problems from occurring. But, you can keep up with important maintenance tasks. The following routine tasks are an important part of keeping your transmission in great working condition.
Regular oil changes
Oil changes are not just recommended to waste your time. They are a necessary and important part of maintaining any vehicle. The oil directly determines the functioning of other important parts, including the engine and the transmission. The rule of changing oil every 3,000 miles is no longer the standard, as depending on driving habits, drivers could change oil every 7,500 miles or more. Oil changes are affordable, quick, and often do not require an appointment. You can visit your local transmission shop for a quick and easy oil change.
Transmission service
There are other important parts of the transmission that should be regularly checked. Regularly inspecting these parts catches a problem, before it becomes much more expensive and causes the vehicle to no longer work. Typically, service for an automatic transmission, including changing the fluid is 60,000 to 100,000 miles. The transmission fluid is different than that of the oil. A transmission flush is just as important as other regular maintenance tasks of the vehicle.
Rebuilt transmissions
When problems with the transmission occur, it is usually best to go for a full replacement. A fully rebuilt transmission leaves you with a transmission that is almost as good as new. However, when you choose to rebuild rather than purchase a new one, you save a lot of money and time. Work with your local transmission repair shop on additional benefits of rebuilding your transmission. Although some people are tempted to purchase a new vehicle when the transmission has problems, this is not always the best decision. Once you have a fully rebuilt transmission, the only other thing to check is the engine.
Other important parts of the vehicle
A vehicle works as a whole system. Without the tires, you cannot utilize the vehicle. Without the engine, the transmission is worthless. Because everything is connected and works together, it is important to keep up with all aspects of the vehicle. Have regular tire rotations, under the hood inspections, and install new brake pads, as scheduled. Take care of the heating and cooling aspects, as they can play an important role in cooling the engine and transmission. When you take care of every part of your vehicle, you are less likely to have costly maintenance problems. Also remember to have all of your service done at a certified transmission service shop to obtain records and to ensure that everything is done to standard.
In 2014 alone, car owners spent a total of $176.7 billion on car maintenance and repair. Vehicles can be expensive. Without regular maintenance and upkeep, they can be even more expensive. Perhaps the two most important parts of the vehicle are the engine and the transmission. Take care of these two parts and you will have a quality working vehicle. Pay attention to other parts of the vehicle, like the tires, cooling systems, and brakes for the best outcome. Ensure that all of your work is completed at a certified shop and keep records of any work that is completed.