Every year in North America, slips, trips, and falls on winter ice cost Americans and Canadians more than $3 billion. Unfortunately, shoveling and plowing snow isn’t just a major inconvenience, it can also be dangerous.
Safety First
We hope this isn’t a necessary reminder, but it bears repeating: Buckle Up out there!
Before Using Snow Pushers
Always check your vehicle to make sure you have everything you need in case of emergency. Don’t just assume you have all your supplies. Double check for extra dry clothes, flares, plow bolts, and anything else you might need (including coffee for those early-morning runs).
Mind The Speed Limit
As a general rule, you shouldn’t go faster than 40 mph when transporting a plow, or 14 mph when actively using snow pushers. Of course, every vehicle and piece of equipment is different, so check the official guidelines.
Respect The Hydraulics
After completing a job, lower the blade and turn off the controls.
Invest In The Best Equipment
By March 2015, 63% of the contiguous United States still had snow on the ground. Working double duty to clear winter storms can wear out even steel snow pushers. New equipment can save time, and improve your safety on the ice. For example, the bucket clamp decreases connection time by getting rid of chains and ratchet binders, while also improving operator control while plowing.
Know Your Route Like The Back Of Your Hand
If plowing residential areas, ask homeowners or property managers to install luminescent orange safety poles or flags to mark the edges of the road surface. Before the first snowfall, familiarize yourself with the route. Snow pushers can easily damage speed bumps, curbs, plants, fire hydrants, fences, and lawn decorations hidden in the snow. Also be aware of your clearance under obstacles like overpasses.
When Shoveling: Don’t Break Off More Ice Than You Can Shovel
The American Heart Association says that the risk of heart attack increases during snow shoveling due to a dangerous combination of freezing temperatures and the physical strain put on the cardiovascular system. Furthermore, the health organization warns that just “walking through heavy, wet snow or snow drifts can strain a person’s heart.”
Of course, the danger is greatest for people already at risk of a heart condition.
Remember: This isn’t an exhaustive list of safety procedures for angled snow pushers or heavy duty snow plows, just basic beginner’s tips.