Anytime you have to sacrifice convenience and ease to save money, you are taking a risk. Even though something may be easier on the wallet, it may be harder on the body. This is certainly the case when it comes to lifting heavy materials in the shop. The way in which you lift something can certainly help make the process go smoother and limit the risk of injury, but one of the best ways to cut down on the amount of employees—or owners—getting hurt is to get a portable material hoist. Here are some of the top reasons why many shop owners have opted for this useful tool.
Easier on the Back
In a machine shop, there’s no telling how much you’ll have to lift over the course of any given day. Some of the material may be too much to handle for one person, and some may be just at the edge of one employee’s capabilities. Often, these are the most dangerous things to lift. People often try to “muscle it,” which results in injury. Sometimes it’s a matter of pride, but often the best intentions are involved: It saves time to do it yourself instead of waiting for someone to be free to lend a hand.
With a portable material hoist, however, you don’t have to worry about getting help or getting hurt because no help is available. You simply position the hoist, load your material, and it goes up with the push of a button. Many folks who provide machining services and need to hoist heavy things quickly would benefit from a portable machine hoist by their side. Even though it has an upfront cost, it can also help save money.
Time Is Money: Real Savings
Because it takes less time to lift something on your own with the help of a portable material hoist, you are saving a lot of money over the life of the device. In addition, when employees don’t have to take time off due to injuries sustained from unassisted lifting, the overall efficiency of the business is elevated, not just the materials.
In the end, the health of everyone in your Phoenix machine shop is the most important thing. One way to prioritize the health of employees is to get a portable material hoist.