Buying cars at auction is a great way to find good-quality cars for a relatively good price. As an owner of a small car dealership, it’s important to find good quality vehicles to offer your customers, but without spending too much money. Insurance auto auctions, specifically simulcast auto auctions, are a great way to do that. These auctions offer the advantages of both live and online auto auctions.
Simulcast auto auctions are broadcast on the Internet live, as they are happening, allowing participants from around the country to place their bids along with buyers right there in the hall. These auctions cut down on the overhead costs of auctions. Simulcast auctions can produce increased revenues in real time.
Dealer auto auctions often see a great deal of competition, with many dealers focused on the best cars, and trying to get them for the best price. Insurance auto auctions that are simulcast online allow a number of potential buyers from all over the country to participate, and in some cases, even get a look at the vehicles ahead of time.
The vehicles at these auctions come from many different sources, including bankruptcies, government surpluses, business liquidations, law enforcement confiscations, estate sales, landlord liquidations and more. These vehicles can find new owners, as soon as they are bought at auction by a dealer.
Simulcast insurance auto auctions are beneficial to both the vendor and the buyer. They provide the vendor with a much broader audience, thereby allowing for increased buyer loyalty. On the other hand, these simulcasts provide the buyer with more opportunities and options to buy.
The introduction of auto auction software has made buying and selling cars easier for dealers and vendors around the country. Buyers online are able to compete with buyers who attend the auction in-person, increasing the attendance of the auction through convenience and technology.