It’s an unfortunate fact that right now, our roads are nowhere near as safe as they could be. Driving is, for most Americans, a daily part of life and truly a necessity. So why is it that every day, 28 Americans die as a result of drunk driving? That is an intolerable number. It’s ridiculous that American drivers have to fear the dangers of drunk drivers whenever they hit the road. A part of eradicating drunk driving-related deaths is, undoubtedly, prevention. After all, drivers with a blood alcohol level of .08 or higher when involved in fatal crashes were six times more likely to have a prior DWI conviction than drivers with no alcohol in their system. These are repeat offenders; in order to prevent repeat offenses, resources like an interlock device must be used.
What Is An Interlock Device?
An ignition interlock device is a simple way to prevent people with previous DUIs or DWIs from driving under the influence again. In order to start the car, a driver with this device must breathe into a car Breathalyzer first. If the car Breathalyzer detects a blood alcohol level higher than the one previously set, the car won’t start. This prevents drunk driving directly at the source. The fact is that this is one of the most effective ways of preventing drunk driving and drunk driving-related deaths and injuries on the market.
What About The Cost Of Car Breathalyzers?
A common argument against these devices is the car Breathalyzer cost. It’s true that these devices aren’t exactly cheap. But even when taking away the value of human life, they end up saving the individual in question and indeed the country a lot of money. In total, the annual costs associated with alcohol-related crashes are $59 billion. The fact is that this is not only related to the costs associated with damage reparations, but court fees as well. The potential drunk driver is, on the most practical level, avoiding a DUI and all that comes with it.
Does It Work?
Another question that arises when considering these devices is there effectiveness. The proof is in the results. Interlock devices are responsible for a 70% reduction in DUI-related arrests. Furthermore, the hope is that when the driver is forced to cut down on their drinking in order to drive, they will gradually become used to drinking less in general and then perhaps not at all. The interlock devices holds people responsible for their actions, and at the same time prevents them from making mistakes that will haunt them for the rest of their lives. Isn’t saving lives worth it?
The genius of the interlock device is that it takes away the ability to drive. Without the ability to drive, the drinker can not only not hurt anyone — they can’t conduct their daily lives. Even the thought of being that tied down is enough to scare some people into reconsidering where their lives are going.