Drivers ed is often the first step many people take when they learn to drive. Though in many states citizens can opt to simply take all the applicable tests once they turn eighteen, there are many benefits that come from taking a beginner driving course that you can’t get anywhere else.

The Benefits of Beginner Driving Courses

Whether you’re looking to find a course for your child, or even for yourself, here are a few benefits to keep in mind.

  • Insurance. Many insurance companies offer discounted prices for teens who’ve undergone a beginner driving course. This can help, parents particularly, as adding their teen to their policy won’t send the premium sky high. Additionally, if you’re looking for drivers ed classes, some insurers will be able to recommend their preferred courses.
  • Mechanical Understanding. Many of these classes will not only teach safe driving behaviors, but also helpful mechanical knowledge. This can include how to change a flat tire, and what to do if your car overheats. Being able to learn these skills draws in not only new drivers, but veteran drivers who may not have had a chance to learn them before. Understanding how your car works, and what to do if something goes wrong, can help prevent both new and old drivers from panicking should something happen.
  • Road Rules. Let’s face it, we could all use a refresher course on the rules of the road. Even if you’ve been driving for decades, little things that we don’t see often can slip our minds. Most people, if they’re due for a written test redo, often know just enough to slide through it. Learning this information in a classroom setting, where the details can be better explained, is proven to help with retention. Driving school also tests you on these rules multiple times, in addition to requiring you to demonstrate your understanding behind the wheel. Practice makes perfect, and this is definitely the case when it comes to learning the rules of the road.
  • Influenced Driving. We all know not to drive while under the influence of mind altering substances or alcohol; however, until you’ve sat through a number of harrowing informative videos on the subject, it’s more of an abstract thought. Beginner driving courses often show students the dangers of driving under the influence though videos showcasing the consequences. This helps give young drivers a first hand understanding of the true dangers, and why they should always make smart choices when it comes to driving.
  • On The Defensive. Beginner driving courses focus on teaching students how to drive defensively, which in turn instills safer driving habits. This can include a lesson on spotting aggressive drivers, and how to avoid accidents. Student’s will also be instructed as to when it’s best to pull over, especially in the case of inclement weather. Defensive driving puts an emphasis on not being a highway bully, and always putting safety first when behind the wheel. In some cases graduates will receive an additional certificate demonstrating that they have completed a defensive driving course. This certificate can then be put towards additional discounts with insurance companies.
  • Responsibility. Personal responsibility is something all drivers need to emphasize. When driving, especially with others, whoever is behind the wheel is responsible for the safety of everyone in the vehicle. This emphasis helps drive home a sense of awareness in young drivers, and teaches them the importance of always driving safe. Having this lesson instilled in young drivers is what arguably makes them better drivers over all, as opposed to those who simply take the test at eighteen.
  • Confidence. Diving for the first time can be a nerve wracking experience, but having the support of driving school professionals can help build confidence in young drivers. This confidence and understanding can mean drivers react differently to stressful driving situations, and over all make them safer drivers.

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