Performance high flow fuel pumps are meant to deliver clean fuel to your engine, boosting its overall performance and drive.

When you have such an amazing piece of machinery under the hood, you can’t help but wonder how it’s capable of simultaneously making your vehicle more fuel-efficient while also powering your engine.

Knowing how your performance fuel pump is important for a variety of reasons. You want to know what to look for if you ever need to repair or replace this part of your vehicle. Continue reading if you’re wanting to learn more about the science behind what’s exactly makes your car run.

The Makeup: Performance Fuel Pumps

Performance fuel pumps are typically built the same way. Their structure includes five main parts. Those parts include the :

  • DC Motor
  • Fuel filter
  • Filter Sock
  • Pressure Regulator
  • Float (which controls the gas gauge)

Knowing the design and makeup of the pump is important and you should familiarize yourself with it if out haven’t already. There are many moving parts involved, all working simultaneously to power your vehicle and inject fuel into your engine. You may not know the difference between a 255LPH fuel pump and a 450 LPH fuel pump, but the difference can radically alter your car’s performance. Before you grab that E85 fuel pump, make sure you understand how different fuel pumps affect your vehicle. Have clear performance expectations and choose the right fuel pump for those needs.

The Science Behind the Pump

It’s easy to forget that your car—no matter its make or model—is a modern marvel. It’s a true testament to the fact that we are an ever-evolving society.

Aside from learning about the makeup of one of the more significant parts of your vehicle, the fuel pump is just as important.

It works by delivering high pressure and injecting it through the pump. The velocity depends on the size and type of the engine as well as what kind of combustion chamber is being used.

A plunger within the fuel pump helps with the fuel injection.

The necessary force to note here is pressure. A pump works by using this force to inject the fuel into the engine.

Physics play a big part in controlling and starting the vehicle, specifically by using a large amount of force to create this pressure.


Knowing exactly what goes on when you turn your key into the ignition is quite crucial if you want to expand your automotive knowledge. When you get in your car and drive it every day, it becomes a mundane process. Yet, we need to remember how far we’ve come in the automotive industry. If you ever want to expand your breadth of knowledge surrounding cars—consider diving into the more scientific aspects of the industry.

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