Deciding to buy a new car or a used car is a big decision to make — and you deserve to feel comfortable during every part of the transaction. There’s a huge difference between car dealers that are trustworthy and care about their customers, and car dealers that just want to make money. Here are two things that a questionable car dealer won’t tell you:
- Selling the car is just the first step — as any traditionally sneaky salesperson might be expected to do, a car salesperson who’s focused entirely on money will try to keep selling you things after you’ve bought your car. (Which doesn’t make sense, because you’ve already bought what you went there to buy… nevertheless, tons of people fall for it.) Whether you’re dealing with new car dealers or used car dealers, the best ones won’t try to sell you extra insurance plans and weird features “just in case something really tragic happens…” The best car dealers will include things like complimentary auto service and regular maintenance checkups — if they’re confident that they’re selling you a good car, why wouldn’t they feel comfortable offering these services (which may not be necessary if the car really is in good shape)?
- And secondly, there’s always a huge debate about whether new cars or used cars are better investments for consumers. The best thing you can do to make sure you’re getting the best deal is to stay on top of news in the auto industry — maybe a few years ago a car dealer made more money off used car sales than new car sales, but when the market is flooded with tons of used cars (which is what happened during 2014), consumers started getting better deals there. Good car dealers will help you sort through current prices of different models, and they’ll be able to give you tips on where to find more information about the car you’re thinking about buying.
Now it’s your turn — do you happen to have any tips about what someone might encounter at a sketchy car dealer? Feel free to share any tips, tricks, stories, or questions with us in the comments section. Get more info here.