Taking trips in RVs is a very popular activity around the United States. When you include people who rent their RVs, the number pf people who enjoy taking trips in them is about 30 million, according to RVIA. In a recent andldquo;Campfire Canvassandrdquo; survey, people were asked what they like about taking RV trips, they reported that about 64% of respondents say that they like taking more frequent vacations. Another 44% of people who responded said their RV trips lessen the stress they experience., 42% like that it provides a less expensive way to take vacations and 38% enjoy taking spontaneous trips. One popular type of RV is an Airstream. There are many Airstream trailer models to choose from. Here are some tips for making your experience better.
- Plan as much of your route in advance. While many people do opt for any of the Airstream trailer models because they allow a certain amount of spontaneous travel but If you map out your route before you go, you can work on avoiding trouble areas and make sure you do not miss fun places to stop and things to do along the way and at your destination. There are apps and websites that can help you plan your trip. You may enjoy passing through areas if you have read a little about them as well. Many GPS systems can also help you avoid high traffic areas when you are on your trip.
- Make sure everyone who is driving the RV knows how to handle it. Driving any of the Airstream trailer models is not like driving a car. The added weight will make braking take longer than in the average car. Before you head out on the road in your RV, everyone who will be driving it on longer trips should have a chance to test it out. Try to practice on a highway, up and down hills and in places where you will have to make turns.
- Bring spare parts. If you have a problem with your RV, having the ability to fix it on your own will get you back on the road quicker and for less money. Before you head out for your adventure, you should stop by your local camper parts store or the RV superstore and get some basic parts or camper accessories that may fail on your trip.
- Pack less clothing than you think you will need. When you travel in an RV, it is definitely a more casual way to go. Leave your fancier items at home and plan to be comfortable. The thing is that most Airstream trailer models have a decent amount of room but the space is still finite. Before you pack for your trip, check out the weather along your route and pack accordingly.
- Bring more food and beverages than you think you will want. When you are on the road for a decent amount of time, your party will get hungry and thirsty. Having healthy meals, snacks and drinks with you can prevent you from succumbing to the temptation to eat nothing but fast food along your RV adventure route. When you are planning your trip, you should look for a few memorable restaurants to check out along the way.
- Bring things to do along the way. Many people bring board games and other activities that the entire group can do together. If everyone is going to be glued to their devices, there really is no reason to leave home. It is often good to unplug for a few days.
- But you can bring your friends and family come along with you. If you want to let your friends and family back home along for your Airstream interstate van adventure, go live on Facebook! That is a new feature that is offered by the social network and it is a great way to show your friends and family what you are up to as you travel around the country in your RV.
Seeing the countryside from an RV is a great way to go. These trips can offer people a great chance to reconnect and have a fun adventure on America’s roadways. There are simply no better ways to tour the country.