While diesel engines can be very advantageous for larger, commute trucks, they also tend to have more fuel problems. These fuel problems can usually be prevented with regular upkeep and maintenance, but special attention needs to go to the fuel injections. The fuel injections are the biggest difference between a traditional truck and a commercial, diesel type of truck. The type of injector installed into the truck will make the difference of the type of injections, the year of injectors, and how they are repaired.
Diesel injectors for fuel
In a commercial setting, much of the fuel is stored. It may even be stored for many months at a time. The expected life of diesel fuel is 12 months when kept at 68 degrees ambient temperature. However, at some point during those 12 months, that diesel fuel must be transferred into the diesel vehicle. This is done with fuel injection methods. Different trucking systems utilize different fuel injection systems, including 2006 Cummins injectors and the 2001 Duramax injectors. Newer years, like the 2005 Duramax injections might also be used.
The best type of fuel injections
Besides factoring in the year of the vehicle, additional fuel injection considerations will be made. The brand is another important aspect in Cummins injector replacements. It is not always possible to replace a Cummins injector with a Duramax injector, regardless of the year. The length of the time that the fuel has been sitting will also be considered. Fuel that is older tends to clump together and could actually be the cause of a poorly working diesel engine, rather than the fuel injectors itself.
Common fuel injector problems
Older fuel is not the only problem that can cause issues with a diesel engine. There are two major types of deposits that can cause injectors to fail due to excessive buildup, external and internal injector deposits. External deposits occur when the buildup happens as the fuel is being taken out of the engine, and injector deposits occur when they are directly put into the diesel engine. Other problems include higher than average injector pressures, burning oil, and poorly working injectors.
Do we really need diesel engines?
In short, the answer is yes. Diesel engines are extremely useful in our commercial world. Without them, we would rely on traditional engines that simply cannot handle the same load of work. While diesel engines may still seem non existent, you might be surprised to learn that purchase rates are growing. While diesel vehicles currently only accounts for 3.2% of sales, that number is expected to double by 2018. A cause of this expected growth rate is that more and more everyday drivers are considering diesel fueled vehicles.
The future of diesel engines
Because of the way diesel engines work, they are better for the environment than traditional engines. With the world taking a push toward greener living and environmental friendliness, diesel engines could become an important step in achieving better vehicles. Additionally, drivers who choose diesel fueled vehicles can save on high gas prices. Cars with diesel engines are 20 to 40% more efficient than their gasoline counterparts. If you are thinking about moving to a cleaner vehicle, a diesel engine might be right for you.
Diesel engines have been around for many years. Yet, they still remain to be somewhat underrepresented. They tend to have problems with the fuel injectors and fuel systems. With proper maintenance and regular upkeep, however, these problems are simple to correct. The specific choice of fuel injection system is also important. It is likely that we will see a growth in diesel fueled vehicles in the next couple of years, because of their benefits to the environment and the pocketbook.